it's 6 days til our documentation deadline and 9 days before our final thesis defense. everyone's busy or trying to look busy. the clocks ticking and this is one of the times where i dread the approaching of a main event in my life. it is a main event, because i want it to be and it took us a year to prepare for that big day, which we didn't really utilize since we love to cram and we are quite good at that. main event as it will determine, after 5 looooooooong years, that we are qualified for graduation and get a degree, and i get to crush this out from my bucket list.
our thesis is no easy feat. i took up an engineering course and i'm still trying to figure out why. but anyways, what can i do, i'm almost at the end of that part of my life and i just can't wait. our thesis involves a lot of studying, researching, learning a lot of new stuffs, programming, modulating, facebook-ing, movie-watching, chats, online gaming like picaball, dinners, snacks and lunches together. what can be more tedious than that? in other words, kapoy. haha. our consolation is at the end of all these, we're gonna treat ourselves a massage and a two-day out of town in Moalboal, if Mayang is still up for it. hehe. our thesis entitled, "Acoustic Modem for Wireless Sensor Networks" is totally *i'm at a loss for the right adjective to insert here so please don't hesitate to insert your own adjective, something synonymous to most complicated*. but i believe in my groupmates so much, seriously, no hint of sarcasm there. they're the smartest and funniest and wittiest people you'll ever meet and there's never a dull moment with them. our thesis adviser is also one of the smartest, most generous and most kind-hearted professors i know. he's spending most of his tuesdays and thursdays with us, helping us out and scaring us at the same time (not in the bad away, really). so take a glimpse of what we've been up to.
our testing area, the USC Main swimming pool.
our set-up that only us ECEs could understand. sorry. kidding. hehe.
underwater microphones. how cool is that? dolphins can get to talk to us in the future. exciting right? and i know you find it quite interesting.
underwater speaker. that's a tweeter enclosed in a lock 'n lock filled to the brim with a baby oil. way cool! and yeah, the pink thing is a small barbel. we need that so the speaker will submerge.
the proponents. :) me, the picaball-er Jorge, the very-excited-to-swim Knyl and Norman, who is not a group mate but is assisting us on that day.
Twinkle and Norman. they are not dating. they're talking about a lot of intellectual stuffs that both you and me could not understand. they're on a different level in the human species.
Mayang seriously setting-up wires and stuffs.
and i got jell-y when i was't able to swim and jump off the pool like this while these two are having fun splashing around. :(
our ever-supportive and dedicated thesis adviser, Sir Isabelo Rabuya. had fun taking pictures of him while doing our testing. isn't he the bestest?
our thesis proposal happened months ago and we were in this formal get-up.very not us at all.
donna, knyl, me, twinkle and jorge.
time to eat after that nerve- wracking thesis proposal defense. wasn't able to sleep well the night before, been having nightmares about missing the defense so i end up staying awake the whole time during the night. thanks for the egg sandwiches twinx, a labor of love indeed but i can't help to think that maybe you've been picking booger while making those sandwiches. total eeeeww! (that's how gross my friend is, my friends).
so i ask you to pray for us friends. don't get mad at me if i don't get to meet you up on dates and dinners, just give me til next week. can't wait til this is all over.
*hope you don't mind if i'm not explaining the full details of our thesis here. i won't mind being called a geek. its just that, maybe it'll just bore you. :)