14th of February. special time of the year for lovers, or not, yet i always find this day ordinary, not finding any difference or significance from the rest of the days of a week. but it's now 2 years (last year and this year) that something made this day extra special for a lot of people. what would you do when you don't have someone special to spend that day with? no sign of bitterness there ok, im not yet ready for that kind of relationship anyways. why not spend it with people who needs our love and "kalinga" more. yes, i spent my hearts day exceptionally with people who matter to me, for two consecutive years, building new relationships with kids and families from the GK sites, holding a party for the kids with lots of games, goodies, singing and dancing, passing on sacks of "abuno" (soil needed to level the floor inside the soon-to-be homes) and hollowblocks, digging a septic tank under the glorious heat of the sun and getting a tan, or should i say, sunburn after, sharing lunch and taking lots of pictures here and there (hollow blocks are dropped at this time, sorry bout that.), and sharing hugs, stories, laughters and inspiration. and this may sound crazy but i get "kilig" and goosebumps listening to friends and people story-tell how that day was no ordinary but extra special cause it made them happy and inspired. talk about falling in love. to my family and friends, thank you for choosing to spend that special day with us.
with the kids from GK Mananga, Talisay
while the kids are having fun with ates and kuyas, another group of young heroes are doing the physical work of building homes and having fun at the same time.
me and my GK buddy and bestfriend, Felice Soria.
with family and friends

young heroes too, my baby brother paul with kuya matt.
meeting makisig morales, a young hero himself.

there you have it. you planning to make your next year's hearts day special too? don't hesitate to give me a call.
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