
February 15, 2010

a traveller's journey. (my supposedly travel blog that got -- oh, never mind.)

we had our first household weeks ago which i was so excited about because i wasn't able to attend one for several months. during our household, we weren't able to do our individual and personal sharing cause that was a teaching night. The teaching that night really inspired me to start a travel blog since i love to travel and dream of travelling some more, to write all about my trips, life- changing lessons learned and inspiration created and shared, obstacles encountered and fears conquered. i see myself, and i've been praying for it, that i get to travel alot, sharing God's selfless and unconditional love and His big and ultimate dream for the least. when travelling, it is essential that you bring with you your travelling bag, clothes needed for the trip, personal necessities that you can't live without and important points below as you not only travel literally but as you journey through life:

  • TRAVEL LIGHT. learn to differentiate the want from the need, you have to choose carefully the important stuff. you have to let go of the extra baggage of hurts, pains, unforgiveness, worries, anxieties that may hold you down and prevent you from reaching your desired destination. learn to move on carrying with you the lessons of the past and getting on with life and continue your journey.
  • TRAVEL with JOY and THANKSGIVING. when things are just right, it is easy to be grateful but when times get rocky and bad, being thankful amidst adversities is easier than done. yet no matter how difficult it may seem that you want to curse the darkness, let's learn to count our blessings that comes our way everyday. stop complaining and start living. every difficulty comes an oppurtunity.
  •  TRAVEL with HOPE. hope is the spark of light we see in a dark room of despair, the rainbow after the tragic storm, a helping hand in the middle of a heart- wrenching tragedy. hope is a reminder that there is a man up in the sky who cares for us despite the harsh and cruel realties that life brings. hope is in our hands if we chose to hold on to it and pass the light to others.
  • TRAVEL with GOD. this journey through life takes two, it takes you and your God, me and my God. a journey is never the same without a partner, a friend, a guide. you have to share it with someone who'll enjoy your crazy antics, listen to your depressing grievancesm accompany you in your unbearable loneliness, and love you for your flaws and imperfections, and for who you are and who'll cheer you on when you're feeling blue.
        *thanks for sharing this ate shayne.
       i vow to live life to the fullest, to dedicate my whole life for God and country, to journey with much hope for tomorrow, to strengthen my faith, to be filled with God's overflowing love, to laugh and cry a lot, and create more memories with people who matter. i promise i'll be having the time of my life. (pinky finger promise).

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