
March 4, 2012

Day 9/40: Timeline

The facebook timeline is here for the pages! Well, I'm not totally sold out to facebook's timeline because it's confusing to my simple mind but there are a few features that I like about it. 

1. When you tag your friends to your photo/s, it automatically appears in your friend's wall and people can comment from there. I love this "feature" because it increases the comments and likes of your photo/s which in turn will increase its visibility. Same with your facebook status and video tagging.
2. The cover photo! It's one of my most favorite feature, but it's for some selfish reason. Haha. We can ask people to change their cover photos to help spread the inspiration of GK and I'd be willing to change mine too. I am not too comfortable for letting people change their profile pictures to an event poster just because. So I'm happy that the cover photo is finally here to save the day! Haha.
3. Ticker. Is this even new? Haha. I just recently appreciated its existence on Facebook when I saw that it helped us increase our Facebook insights. 
4. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are implemented both on our personal facebook accounts and facebook pages. But for facebook pages, the pages' administrators already have an admin panel (below). I am thrilled because followers can get to send messages to the page's administrator. I'd be happier if I won't be answering 20 messages a day though. Haha. I kid. Message away at the Gawad Kalinga Official Page. We'd love to hear from you should you wish not to post it on our wall. And at least I feel that there'll be a venue for negative feed backs because I'm quite sure that some people post publicly on the pages because they don't know how else they can be heard.
5. Page Tips! I like. At least it's being placed there instead of having to visit their blog for Facebook Pages which I don't get to do a lot.

And so I am inspired (once again) to improve and plan out GK's Facebook content. I have stopped creating a Facebook plan a week ahead just because either I have a dozen other big and small things to do or I completely forget about it. I must learn to plan out and organize my daily digital routine so I am can be more efficient and I am able to measure and know what our best practices. Which I actually am already starting. Woot! 

How about you, what do you like about the facebook timeline? Let's not talk about what you don't like about it because you'll still keep using it anyway. :p Focus on the good. :)

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