
September 20, 2010

DAY 1: All Over Again

I sometimes ponder why some things are just meant to happen once and some events happen repeatedly. Like a deja vu. Like this 30 day challenge that was supposed to end a few months ago. And just because I abruptly ended it at day 9 out of sheer laziness, now I have to do it all over again. The difference? I promised to be more dedicated at present and that I have no reason at all not to be able to do so. Resources had been provided and God has generously blessed me with the resources, earlier than expected. Just one of His usual, big time, everyday surprises. And I found myself a team to cheer me on in this 30-day journey. Wootwoot! Thank God for amazing friends. (at this time, I decided to close the FB and twitter window since they're making me veer away from the moment.)

Most of the happy times tend not to repeat itself  (on a personal point of view and no scientific study or whatsoever has been conducted about it yet.). When years or even months pass by, we often find our self, alone or with someone, trying to reminisce and relive that moment just to remind us of that happy time. And somehow, happy moments tend to be different than the other. The bad times happen repeatedly (not at all times though). Tragic or not. Big time or a small deal. It's weird like that. But I read in one of Paolo Coelho's book (which I can't remember where...I think it's in his Warrior of Light) one of the best answers to my pondering. Unfavorable circumstances occur all over again in our lives whenever we somehow didn't get the moral that that circumstance wants to impart. I read that few sentences over and over again cause it just strucked me. Let's just say I have a dose of "all over again" experiences to affirm Paolo Coelho's statement and it just amazed me that he get to sum it all up in one sentence. 

The wisdom that comes from the learned and the wise just completely blows me away. And they reach that state of wisdom-ness because of years of experience, adventure, listening, reading and reverent praying. Which I would really love to be in, someday. There's this other man's wisdom too that never fails to leave me in awe every time I read his articles and listen to him speak about love of God and country. We call him the all time love guru just because when he gets to know you more, he is simply more interested with your love life than anyone else. No kidding! Haha Read his timely articles whenever he feels like writing too. (plug ng plug ng, okay ba? Haha)

God has his own way of just bringing us to where He wants us to be, to grant the deepest desires of our heart. As always. Repetition of definite events in our life, painful or not, will always have an important lesson to impart. Doing certain things all over again may not be our idea of living the life that we want. But if that's what it takes to  just hit the head of the nail, to let the message come across, it will definitely happen again. God loves us too much not to let His lessons of sacrifice, forgiveness, sharing, giving and loving find their way to us.

*Yay, did all four today!! The 5th one, I'm about to do, after this.

From The Right to Write (Chapter 2&3): 

"When we just let ourselves write, we get it "right"."

"Let yourself write. Let yourself listen,"

"We can either "think a plot up" or we can "jot a plot down". " FROM ME: the other strains, the other liberates. Great point right here.

"Forget yourself."

"When we forget ourselves, when we let go of being good and settle into just being a writer, we begin to have the experience of writing through us."


  1. Ate May,

    It may seem like unfavorable circumstances tend to repeat themselves but when you really think about it, both favorable and unfavorable circumstances always repeat themselves. Both of which teach us a lesson. The favorable to make us appreciate life and to enjoy it while we can, the unfavorable to teach us to persevere, to trust and to be patient.

    The point is to not let a moment pass by without learning a thing or two about life and love. Open yourself up to everything that comes your way.

    Counting the days until I see you again. :)

  2. Over again. If it was “All” over again, the results and the starting base would be the same but then this is never the case. The second time, one gets to already have a different base and though often forgotten, the result is slightly different. Then comes the third which repeats itself in a rather different aspect which some calls the fourth.

    The point is even numbers are different, but then as usually from a far perspective, all the stars remain the same. It is therefore important to watch a little closer, He that creates each individuals even created differences in every fruit of the same tree.

    At dusk, the store manager looks upon his stocks and says, how can I make more fortune tomorrow?
    If we are as wise as the store manager in the small, painful and blessed matters, we too shall make fortunes in heaven as well as here in earth.

    Treat “all” as goods and make profit. The good God who saved you from the deadly pains of your sins would not (as I think) want to make you suffer any longer or any more to simply teach you a lesson which you can read. It is His intention to make you fruitful. And after that to be bear more and after bear much fruit.
