
May 14, 2010

DAY 3: Abundance.

This day turned out to be abundant with great food and great friends. And this day is just like any other day in my existence. And I thought this experience of taking the risk of living away from my family and going beyond my comfort zone right after college will be a time of scarcity. Especially with the food part. But God's timing is always right. Never fails. He sends the right people to make my stay here easier than what I've imagined it to be. Yes, I do have that weird gift of predicting the future based on my own perception of what the bad days ahead would be. I'm sometimes trying to scare myself no matter how God tries to make His presence and providence be very visible. I sometimes wonder why are we like that? We try to make someone prove their worth and what's sad is even if they already did everything they could, we chose to turns our backs and not accept their worth. But good thing God doesn't give up on us no matter how stubborn and brats we are. And He never will. So let's learn to open ourselves to the avalanche of blessings around us. Thank the people who've been God's instrument of providence and love. 

Got to go, I've got a FREE dinner to catch with great friends. what can i say, God's spoiling me that much.  


  1. you also have a free concert with me! haha. exciting times!

  2. Kirstin KintanarWednesday, May 19, 2010

    Mao judd Ate May! One of God's greatest blessings are the gift of friends and free food from those friends. hehe. I guess sometimes we don't believe that God will always provide because we find ourselves sometimes unworthy of being blessed. But God is an awesome God and despite everything, He still abundantly blesses us. So all we have to do is accept that we are loved despite our many shortcomings. :D

  3. Agree tin. Like the first time ko nipalit og Starbucks dri. Nichat ko ni bestfriend Mishy na na.guilty ko kay im indulging and spending for myself with something that I think should not be. Then ana siya na enjoy and thank God lang instead of being guilty.. It's a blessing and I know I deserve it, in a way. Pero I'm not that up for spending that much yet. haha
